Sunday, September 6, 2009

Dear Chloe-
We are having sooo much fun with you. We love you more than words can describe. We had an idea what parenthood would be like, but it has far exceeded our expectations. You are such a joy and everyday you grow and change. You are smiling and trying so hard to talk to us. You now enjoy the car rides (most of the time), especially when Poppa sits in the back with you and you two have one of your talks about your little buddies on your play gym. Your Poppa is TOTALLY crazy over you. He spends every minute that he is at home with you. As soon as he gets home from work he picks you up and hardly puts you down all evening. Eventually you fall asleep in his arms and he still won't put you down. He loves his little girl so much and I know he is happier than he has ever been. He is such an awesome Poppa, of course I always knew he would be. Well my little Chloe bear, it's our bedtime, love you babydoll.

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