Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Never a dull moment with Miss Chloe-22 months old

We have been having some very interesting conversations at dinner lately.  Chloe has been cracking us up and amazing us with the things she comes up with.  Here is just a small "taste" of our dinner-time conversations as of late.

-Sunday evening-
She got on a roll with the 21 questions.
She likes to ask herself a question, then she gets a huge grin on her face and answers it "yes"or "no", and then laughs hysterically after. 

"Mochi has a tail?  Yes."

"Poppa has a tail? No" 

"Wadi has a stinky butt? Yes." (This one really got me).

"Chloe likes it when Pa hold you" Yes." (yeah, she refers to herself in third person).

"Momma has a stinky butt? No." (whew, I was worried she would say yes).

"Poppa has a stinky butt? Yes." (ha!)

"Chloe likes Mamaw's house, go! Yes".

This went on for most of dinner. Doug and I just sat back and laughed and waited to see what she would come up with next.  

-Monday evening-
Chloe has recently noticed that we don't always call each other Mom and Pop and has been asking what our names are.  She has Lex, Doug, Jim, and Nancy(she thinks Nancy is really funny) down pat.  So, yesterday I told her that our last name is Heimansohn.  She skipped around all day saying "Chloe Heimansohn", which she actually says pretty well.  
Let me just preface the next part.  Someone gave us one of those leapfrog letter dealios that makes the sound of each letter, we have been messing around with that quite a bit,  and I got Chloe an easel, so she wants me to write the alphabet like a hundred times a day, which I do (I am a sucker, I know).  In the last few days I have been trying to teach her the actual sounds the letters make.

So, anyway, at dinner last night she was telling Poppa that her name is Chloe Heimansohn and then she made the sound for H three times and then said H!!!!  Our jaws were on the floor! 

We were lying in bed last night, having our bedtime conversation/roll around, and around, and climb all over Momma and Poppa. She was just rattling on about her day, then she put her little hand on her chest and said "Chloe nice, Chloe has good heart". It was too sweet, I almost cried.We have been telling her to pet the animals nice, so I think that is where the "Chloe nice" came from.  And, she has been saying "Chloe cute" lately.  When she does we say "yeah Chloe is cute, but more importantly Chloe has a good heart", so apparently she is been picking up what we are putting down :)  

Oh, another funny thing.  Whenever any two or more people are engaged in a conversation, Chloe runs over, grabs a leg, and tugs until they notice, and then says
"what ya talkin bout?"  She really likes to say this to Pa,  "What ya talkin bout Pa?"

What will today or tomorrow hold???????


  1. I gotta say I love this little lady so much. we have had so much fun with her and Momma is so good about documenting all the awesome things she does. I can't wait to continue watching her grow up. it's going to be even more awesome watching her be a big sister.

  2. Makes me teary, too. What a sweetheart she is.
