Monday, December 5, 2011

What did you just say?!?!

  I am so glad that a friend encouraged me to start this bloggng stuff.  I hesitated and thought I would never have the time or even know what to blog about.  Doug and I spend quite a bit of time after the kiddos go to bed going back through our blog.  It is funny to us that we enjoy watching our own life, as if we weren't the ones living it. In fact Mamaw, Pa, Doug, Chloe, Hazel and I spent Saturday evening watching some of the videos of Chloe we have taken over the last two years.  

Here are just a few of the funny things Chloe said this past week, that I never want to forget, so I must jot them down in our online diary :)  

Chloe always wants to know what is going on the kitchen counter, and she climbs up the drawer handles to find out.  I have asked/told/demanded that she not climb on the handles (not working very well).  Mamaw decided it was time to get that kid a footstool (duh, why didn't I think of that).  Chloe carries it around to each room of the house so she can see everything and also get into everything :)
Well, she walked up to me a few days ago holding her footstool and said "Mommy this footstool changed my life".  

On Saturday Chloe was cooking up something good in her little kitchen and brought some over to me for a taste test.  I said to her "oh my Chloe, that is wonderful. Where did you learn to cook like that?" She said "Pinterest".  I almost died laughing!  That is when you know you spend WAY to much time on Pinterest.  

Miss Chloe is fighting the dreaded toddler runny nose right now.  My brother Levi took Chloe in the bathroom to wipe her nose and she had a very important question for him.  She said "Levi are you going to be a Poppa someday?"  I thought it was interesting that she noticed that Levi doesnt have children yet and wondered if he was ever going to.  

And last, but not least.  Chloe has started calling Mamaw her Grandmother.  Today Mamaw stopped by and when it was time for her to go, Chloe ran to the door and said "goodbye Grandmother".  

That is all for now. 


  1. Oh my.....that is funny!!
    The good news is that these funny sound bites keep coming! Little humans are hilarious!

  2. We have really enjoyed these "quotes" from our granddaughter, eloquently written by our daughter! Lex and Doug, you have really stumbled upon a wonderful idea in this blog and we check it (even while on vacation in Hawaii!). We can't wait to see what Hazel invents and the both of them will be a riot! Grandmother and Pa
