Sunday, April 22, 2012


Hazel Leah was named after my Grandma English (my Pop's Mom).  She passed away two months after I was born, so I never got to know her.  We always referred to her as "Grandma Pillow". Apparently she was so soft and cuddly and the other grandchildren loved snuggling on her belly.  Grandma Hazel Louise is the the second little girl on the left, next to the baby girl, who is sitting up.  I was not aware of this, but her older sister on the right end of the photo was named Leah.
This is a photo of my Pop's siblings in a one room school house.  His sister's name is also Hazel.  She is the little girl in the front row on the right.  His sister Jan is sitting next to her and his brother William is sitting in the second row on the left side of the photo. 

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