Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Chloe loves Christmas Crap!

2012-12-02 20.13.51
So, we usually don't put up a tree or really any Christmas decorations...........................until now! Chloe loves Christmas and all the crap that goes along with it :)  She calls it "Christmas crap".  We will be driving along and when she sees  lights, yard ornaments, etc.  She says "that's some Christmas crap right there".  We were in Wal-Mart and she proclaimed in the most excited voice "Christmas crap everywhere, oh I love Christmas crap.  Mommy, you don't love Christmas crap, but Mamaw loves Christmas crap, especially if it is on sale.........right Mom?".  She has to say Christmas crap as many times as she can per sentence. We bought a live tree a few nights ago and decorated it together.  Hazel and Chloe were beyond excited to help with the lights and ornaments.  Once the tree was decorated, Chloe stood and stared at the tree all evening.  I took this photo with my phone, so it is not the best quality, but I still think it is adorable.  And, I now also love "Christmas crap".  

1 comment:

  1. I gotta say I don't normally like Christmas crap that much. But it's pretty hard to not enjoy it when your little doll babies love it so much and are so stinkin cute with all the lights and ornaments.

    cherish every year with all three of you amazing ladies in my life :).
