Monday, January 25, 2010

One of those days :(, but Chloe makes it all better ;)

I consciously make the effort not to blog about my health issues. Because I know that no one really wants to hear someone ramble on about how crappy they feel.  I don't think anyone really knows how I feel, becuase honestly I don't want them to.  But sometimes I have to get it all out. I have been feeling awful lately and it pretty much sucks. I haven't been to see a doctor in a long time.  I don't really see the point much. It seems all we ever get out of it is a nice hefty bill. I did have to go today though (yuck). I have been having very intense chest pain and heart palpitations daily with debilitating migranes and the usual nausea and vomiting along with several other fun symptoms that I don't really feel like going into detail about at the moment. Plus, unfortunately I had a little stroke on Christmas morning (bummer),my speech was slurred for about two hours.I have been putting off going to see someone about this, but I thought I better go get checked out. So now the floodgates have opened and let the testing (and the medical bills) begin (double yuck).  Anyway-the whole point of this post (before I got sidetracked with all that other junk) is that I have kind of come to accept my situation and am learning to live with it. Of course having little Miss Chloe around has been an enormous blessing, there is nothing that will take your mind off of feeling bad like a beautiful little baby girl. The mornings are especially rough for me, but waking up and seeing her little face looking at me makes me feel so much better.  I have to admit taking care of her when I am having a bad day, or week, or month can be very taxing, but I would'nt have it any other way. Thankfully I have my mom to help me.  Chloe has given me so much to live for and I have to try to keep myself together and take care of myself as best I can, so that I can be here for her and watch her grow.  Hmmmm, I am debating if I should even post this, but I guess this is my life and somedays are better than others.  

WHEW, I feel better since I got that out!   

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel bad posting how you really feel. This blog will be a record of your life, the good and the bad. I know it is hard for you to talk about. Good for you for getting it off your chest. I wish with all my heart that there was something that could be done to make your pain go away. I am so glad that you have your little girl now, who brings your life so much joy and makes life SO worth living.
