Monday, March 8, 2010

Whoa Nelly!!!

Slow down girl! I went through Chloe's toys last night and put away all the "baby" toys that she is not interested in anymore.  I just cannot believe that she has already grown out of "baby" toys.  Now she is much more interested in door hinges and trash cans.  Wow, time is flying by.  It is crazy, we get so excited when she learns something new, but at the same time there is a little sadness that she is growing up so, so fast.  I think it is an appropriate time for this little poem that I have heard my Mom recite several times throughout the years.

Dusting and cleaning can wait for tomorrow.
Because, babies grow up, much to our sorrow.
So, calm down cobwebs and dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.

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