Saturday, December 5, 2009

Ok, we totally don't want to be those kinda parents that think our kid learned everything early and this could be a total fluke, but last night Chloe was partying like was 1999. She was in a great mood and was talking up a storm (what does that mean anyway?). Doug, Mamaw, and I got into the laughing gas and were cracking up all evening, mostly over things that aren't usually funny. I am always game for a good laughing fit, especially ones like last night, the kind you can't control, no matter how hard you try. I am not sure what was going on, but it was a great time. Anyway, Chloe joined in. We have never heard her laugh like that. It was hilarious. Later on Mamaw was trying to get Chloe to say Mama ( I have been saying Mama to her a lot lately, never thinking that she would actually say it). Believe it or not, she said Mama TWICE! So, this morning I thought okay, last night was just a fluke, she probably won't say it again. I gave it a try anyhow, and Chloe said Mama again!! Oh no, it has happened to us, we are those kinda parents :0

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