Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dear Baby Girl

Dear Chloe,

You are almost 8 months old now.  I cannot believe it!  Time has flown by so fast.  You grow and change every day.   You are a very friendly little baby girl and hardly ever meet a stranger.  This has caused me to become more social while out at the grocery or running errands. I normally would just mind my own business and not really talk to others, but not anymore.  It seems that everyone wants to talk to little Miss Chloe.  We were at Meijer grocery shopping a few days ago and I was picking out some bread off of the clearance rack, (you were riding in the cart.  You seem to really like that) I turned around and an elderly lady had both of her hands on your face and was ooing and awing over you.  I was a little surprised at first and pulled you away, but you were smiling from ear to ear at her, so we stayed and had a little chat with her.  It is hilarious because you twirl your ankles and wrists, smile, and coo when you meet someone new.  

 One thing that I was not expecting is that you let just about anyone hold you, although you usually prefer me, and Momma LOVES that.  You are also a very, very cuddly baby.  You lay your head on my shoulder all the time and give Momma lots of kisses (lucky Momma).

We spend at least a few hours every day listing to Pandora and dancing,  You bop along right to the beat and when you get tired you lay your head down on Momma or Poppa and drift off to sleep.   

You wake up every morning with a sweet smile and we lay in bed and talk about life for awhile before we start the day.  You are usually very talkative when you first awake.  I think you look like your Poppa in the morning, because your cheeks are rosy and your eyes are a little puffy.  Your always have the cutest, fuzzy bedhead.

Poppa is playing indoor soccer and we have been tagging along to watch him.  You are very interested in the game ( although you insist on watching the game while arching backward and hanging upside down, I am not sure what that is all about, but whatever)  and you look for Poppa when I tell you that he is out on the field.  He always runs over to the net to see his baby girl and you bounce up and down and smile.  After the game, Poppa comes right to the bleachers to get you and parades you around and shows you off to all of his teammates.  Every week he tells you that you will be out there playing soon.  I know he is looking forward to coaching your soccer team. 

You are a wonderful eater and haven't really showed a dislike for any particular foods yet.  We are enjoying meal time with you.  Even when we go to a restaurant, which isn't often, you are such a good little baby.  Of course you always charm our waiter and end up drawing a few others over to the table to say hello.  You don't really nurse a whole lot anymore, it is mostly a comfort thing now, and when you are sleepy.   

We have been teaching you sign language for a few months and you have started to do the sign for "more" in the last few days.  It is so cute! You do it on every thing you touch.  We are not sure if you really know what it means yet, but you definitely have the hand motion down. 

When Poppa comes home from work, we watch him walk up the driveway and the closer he gets to the door, the more excited you become.  As soon as he peeks his head through the door, you laugh and smile, and of course you bounce up and down.  No matter how bad his day was at work, all the stress melts away the second he sees your beautiful little face. 

Mamaw is totally and completely in LOVE with you.  She literally turns into a child in your presence.  You two just stare at each other and laugh........and laugh.......and then laugh some more.  She tells us everyday how precious you are and how she can't stand it, that you are soooooo cute.  You get really excited when you see her and believe it or not you bounce, bounce, bounce, and smile, smile, smile.  You usually throw a few very high pitch squeals in there too.  I can't wait for this summer, so Mamaw can play in the pool with you.  I don't think we will ever get you two out of that pool! 

Some days we wait at Mawmaw and Paw's house until Paw comes home from work.  Believe it or not, you get the first hello from Paw.  He has a special language and tone of voice for you.  It is not something I can explain, so I am not even gonna try. I love when Paw asks you a question and then he says huh? huh? huh? to you with total excitement.  He loves to dance with you and holds your little head up to his chest.  His hand practically covers your whole head.  He sings right into your ear and you two are in your own world for that moment.  I remember him holding me like this when I was a little girl. 

And then there is Uncle Levi.  You have really warmed up to him and now you like to flirt with him.  During dinner time you are totally enthralled with him and you raise your right eyebrow and give him a sideways glance.  He, like Paw, also has a special language for you.  His favorite thing to say to you is "get to the choppers".  We are not sure where he got that, but you think it is hilarious.  He also makes this crazy, high pitched pterodactyl sound that is a little frightening, and you think that it is also hilarious.  

Oh, Chloe I could probably write all day long about you, but it is dinner time.  Once again, I must tell you that you are the light of our life.  You are such an awesome little girl and what a blessing to have you in our life.  I really just cannot believe how happy you are all the time.  I didn't know a baby like you existed.  You seriously hardly ever, almost never cry.  Is this real?????  We look forward to every moment that we get to spend with you.  You are the sweetest.  I love you girly. 

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