Saturday, October 30, 2010

Yay doors!

Doug and Pop hung the upper doors on the upper cabinets over a week ago, but I have been blog lazy, so I am just now getting the photos posted.  Don't get me wrong, I am super excited about the doors! I had to dust off the vases and get them to their new home immediately (unfortunately they will be making a quick trip back to the boxes when it is time to sand the floor)  I think they look amazing.  I am beyond proud of my hubby. He is quite the woodworker. I have been begging him to bring in the new stainless steel stove and fridge, but much to my dismay, we have to wait .  Doug has been busy planing the wood for the floor and getting the final polyurethane coat on the bottom doors, drawers, island, and bathroom and garage doors. We are getting so being being done! 

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!!! Those cabinets are just AMAZING!!! You are going to just sit and stare and randomly pet them once the kitchen is all put back together. Doug is doing such a good job. I am so impressed!
