Sunday, August 8, 2010

"Houdini","Hey Dude", and "Hi Shoes"

Chloe's favorite quotes of this weekend

Levi and I made a run to the Vitamin Shoppe on Saturday evening. On our way home Miss Chloe was listening to us talking back and forth, joining in on our coversation here and there.  Apparently she heard me say "hey dude" (Levi's name might as well be dude to me).  Chloe babbles out a "hey dude".  Of course Levi and I start cracking up. We try to get her say it again and again and believe me she did, and hasn't stopped since.
We were almost home and Chloe was getting a little restless in her car seat.  She managed to get her arms out of the straps. Levi turned around to readjust the straps and said to Chloe "Hey you are no Houdini".  Chloe then says "Oodini".  We were laughing even harder than before now. For the rest of the night we were all  saying "Oodini" and "hey dude" with Chloe.  It was too funny. 

 Chloe is very interested in shoes and carries them all around, hiding them in cabinets and laundry baskets, which makes for a good time when you are trying to leave the house in a hurry and for some reason you can only find one lonely shoe.  Anyway, on Friday we were heading out to run some errands.  When I came around the corner holding Miss Chloe's little shoes, she said "hi shoes".  She likes to say "hi" to everyone and everything.  It is so cute.  She will almost be asleep with her eyes closed and she will lift her head up and say "hi" one last time before she slips off to sleep.


  1. So cute! I can't wait for Lily to catch up with her!

  2. Chloe is talking so much now, I can't hardly believe she is only 13 months old. She is a little firecracker and I have had so much fun with her. She just lights up whenever you show her anything or say anything new to her.
