Wednesday, May 19, 2010

11 Months Old

Dear Chloe,
     You are 11 months old today.  It has been the best 11 months of our life.  You have already brought us more joy than can be put into words. Your Poppa and I never imagined that we could be this happy! We have laughed and smiled more in last 11 months, than in the past few years.  I love taking care of you and playing with you all day.  It is even more fun when Poppa gets home from work.  You wait at the front door for him and as soon as you see him you squeal, scream, and stomp your little feet.  He is equally excited to see you and plays with you all evening.  He is totally and completely in LOVE with his LadyPie. 

          You like to be silly and play peek-a-boo.  Even when you are nursing and almost asleep, you will pull the blanket over your face, and wait for us to say "where's Chloe"?, then you peek your half-opened eyes out and smile, then you go right back to nursing.  One of my favorite things you do, is carry your babydoll around on your shoulder and pat her and kiss her, and say "momma, baby".  It is so darn cute, I can hardly stand it.  You learned how to make the kissing sound this week, instead of the opened mouth slobberfest you used to do.  You are super cuddly and give the best hugs. You give Momma the majority of the hugs right now.  You wrap your plump, little arms tightly around my neck and pat my back. In my mind, there is nothing better. 

    You like to flirt with Paw and definitely have special body language when he is around. You look over you shoulder at him and put your hand on your hip and then smile bigger than ever at Paw.  He acts pretty silly when your around too. You two are going to be best buds, that is obvious already. 

   Of course you love your Mamaw and the way you say her name is so cute.  You throw a little southern draw in there.  She is infatuated with her Chloe and hugs and kisses all over you. Mawmaw is having the best time getting you all kinds of little treasures from garage sales and she knows exactly what you like.

   Uncle Levi loves to tease you and you must think he is pretty funny, because you can't look at him without laughing.  He thinks you are so adorable and I think you have made him catch the "baby-bug".  His favorite name for you is "poopy pants" (I know, so endearing, right?). 

    You have a full head of brown, curly hair with one big curl that hangs right in the middle of your forehead. Poppa loves your curls and comments every single day on how he just can't believe we have a brown-eyed, curly-headed baby girl.  You two are quite the pair with your matching "do's".

    You are cruising all around the house now.  It didn't take you long to master walking.  You can even back up now.  You love a challenge and want to climb on everything.  It is so awesome and weird at the same time to have a little one waltzing all over the house and getting into anything and EVERYTHING.   

    You still hardly ever cry, even when you were getting your teeth you didn't fuss much.  You have the funniest little smile with two teeth up top and two on the bottom.  You have such an outgoing personality and make friends everywhere we go.  Life is so much more exciting and fun with you BearPie.  It is like being a child all over again.  I go to bed every night wondering what tommorow will bring and thank God for the most wonderful blessing anyone could ever ask for.  You are our world Little Miss Chloe and we love you more and more every minute. 



  1. Well, this pretty much sums up our deep feelings about your little family. "So happy together" is what comes to mind. Isn't it neat how things turn out so wonderfully amazing when you keep your faith? we love you guys so much and having Chloe around makes it double special.

  2. This is the best post you have written yet Momma Lex. I love our little family and do so much love coming home to you two little ladies. I can't get enough of the joy you and Chloe bring to my life and look forward to every day with you both. I can't even believe our baby girl is 11 months old now. Looking through pictures with you last night sums it up how fast our lives are moving and how much we have to take it day by day and not miss the little stuff. We are definitely doing that and I will always cherish each and every day with you both.
    Love you and Chloe,
    Doug (Poppa)
