Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Itsy Bitsy Spider and much more

Here is a photo of Chloe doing the itsy-bitsy-spider. She likes to do this all through dinner and wants us to do it with her.   I remember the old days of actually having a conversation over dinner, but this is much more entertaining! 
We have been having so much fun with Chloe. She wants to learn about everything and points constantly.  it is hilarious, sometimes it looks as if she is being led around by her finger. 
Poppa has been teaching Chloe to touch and not grab things.  He takes her all around the house and they touch pictures, the thermostat, lightswitches, etc. It has actually worked very well and she no longer pulls the pictures off the walls (yay). When we were outside the other night and she pointed at the moon and said "sush" (touch). I said to her moon and she said "mooo", but like a cow. She has developed a real liking for the neighbor's cow and she moos at it occasionally.

Her favorite book right now is "Peek-A-Boo Caterpillar" and it asks if you can find the bee, ant, frog, and bird.  She can point to each one and will say bee and ant.  She hasn't mastered frog and bird comes out "burr", which is pretty good we think :) (we are just a little proud of her, if you can't tell).  Okay, one more brag session, and then I'll stop.    Another book she likes is "Yummy Colors", it has pictures of vegetables and fruits and she points to the to the color purple and then says "purple", which sounds so funny, she tucks her little chin under and puckers her lips, not sure why, but it is darn cute. 
                                                   Kids are AMAZING!!

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